Questions to ask before choosing a Hair or Beauty course in India.
For every decision we make in life, the consequence we bear is for lifetime.
Similarly, the decision for our career is one that will affect our pay, our learning, the 9 hours of our day we spend daily on, our future opportunities, the learning, the growth, and everything in between.
Therefore, with over four decades of experience, our expert faculty has curated a list of questions every student must ask before they enroll themselves for the course & begin a new journey & relationship with the Academy.
Read on to find out the five categories of questions you should ask, before you finally say YES.
Before You Say Yes, Ask -
About the Fee
In research it is found that the top most question a person asks is “How much is it for”? Obviously money plays an important role in every decision a person makes. And why shouldn't it. It is hard earned. Therefore, from matters relating to course fee to discount offered to financing options. Every information is important.
How much is the course fee?
How much is the course fee of other institutions?
Can the payment be done in installments?
Is there any discount offer?
Is there any early bird discount?
Is it on par with the industry pricing? If not then why?
Does the academy have any financing tie ups or loan facility?
About the Institute & the Course
Getting the learning right is what every student wants. And why not. It's not everyday that we take up a course. And once we finalize something somewhere, what we learn there is everything that will matter. From the background of the institute to every detail about the course is important.
How old & renowned is the institute?
Background about the founder, their story, inspiration, current mission, future vision, etc.
Is it a diploma or certificate?
What is the course structure?
What is the duration, timing, batch option available?
Is there any backup class facility?
How is the theory & practical learning balanced?
What topics are covered during the class?
Any book for reference provided?
How is the classroom environment?
What is the usual batch size?
How are the classes taken?
About the Faculty
It is important to know about the faculty because whatever you are going to learn is going to be from them. So faculty plays the most important role.
What is the qualification of the faculty, his background?
What kind of experience does he hold in this field?
His past classes/batch review.
His passion & love for the industry as well as teaching?
Is he approachable, student oriented?
Is there transparency, open communication, between the faculty & students?
About Practical Exposure
Beauty industry is more about practical doing rather than theory. Therefore how much practical exposure is provided becomes crucial in learning & becoming the best while you learn.
The time given to practice on models
The quality of instruments given to practice.
Practice session
Doubt clearing sessions.
About Future Opportunities
The purpose of doing the course is to finally learn & know things about the industry that would help one start work. Your end desire may be anything working at a salon or as a freelancer or opening a salon. But the main question is will doing this course help you achieve your desire.
What will happen once I finish this course?
By what means will you help me get a job?
Do you have any tie ups with salons?
Can I come back to you in future for help?
How long will it take for me to get a job?
What will I get once I finish the course?
Do I get extensive preparation time?
Also, as we mention the questions one needs to know the answer to, we also understand that you may not get a tick in all the questions or requirements you have. But the best way to judge here is to find the things that best fit you. Also, another thing you should look at is the transparency & if someone is available to answer all your query & guide you - not only till the end of the course but also in the beginning of your career. That is where you will find all the worth.
So are you ready with your questions? Cause we are ready with the answers.
Contact us & book your free session now.